January 2, 2021

Well it's the new year and I've made a few goals for myself:

  1. not to be too hard on myself as I've done in the past
  2. I want to learn to have fun again
  3. I want to play my games (Sims 4, Let's Go Pikachu, and others)
  4. read my books 
  5. and enjoy family time
  6. I also want to get my youngest son's type 1 diabetes under more control. I don't expect us to be perfect but I want us to try more.
  • (Not necessarily in that order.) 

We recently (Dec 21) moved into a 3 bedroom 2 bath apartment in another town.

Here's a link to the video if the above embedded video doesn't work. 

New Apt Video

It is a hassle trying to downsize from a 4 bedroom 2.5 bathroom. I keep having to put things in storage or throw them away. There were so many memories from living in the house for 15 years. Not to mention the memories of my mother-in-law who passed away in July from complications of pancreatic cancer.

I do like decorating my new space and getting good deals on used and new furniture. I will add pictures as we go. I'd like to get the boxes put away before posting pics though.

Katie, my oldest (22) just got tested positive for covid. She doesn't have many symptoms though. When she started having symptoms they started out like asthma or a cold. It wasn't until almost a week later that her sense of smell and taste went away and then we knew. So she went and got tested. No more than six hours later we get the text that she is positive for Covid-19. Today the rest of us went and got tested. I feel like I've got a cold or the flu. I've got runny nose, sore throat, I ache and I slept 12 hours last night. Nick doesn't feel like he's got anything and Matthew and Eric are asymptomatic. I hope Nick isn't positive because he's got a wedding to do on the 7th. He's a hobby photographer and his manager at work is getting married at the Justice of the Peace.

That's all for today. Hope everyone has a great week!


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