A little late...

Sorry I haven't been keeping up with the blog. Things have been boring around here and I've had nothing to write about. Kids have been good. The oldest ones have been working hard. My husband had his cataracts removed and now his vision is great. I need to go have my eyes checked. 

We got our stimulus payment and tax return. I splurged and got my nails and toes done professionally. Got some new shoes, intimates, and t-shirts. First time I've had a pedicure and I ordered myself bras and underwear that match and they're purple. Never had that unless both just happen to be white. Ordered myself some Celtic Knot rings from Amazon for like $30 and they are in my size 12. Got some games and have recently started playing Skyrim on my Switch. I'm addicted to it and sometimes I can't sleep because I'm thinking about what part of the game I've to do next. Got my own Breath of the Wild so me and Eric don't have to share. Finally got Nick a Switch too and he's having a ball playing Jedi Academy; which is great since it won't play on his computer anymore. He's looking into aviation and fishing games now. Plus I bought him Skyrim so we can play together. I found a Skyrim Atlas that breaks down the different holds, maps and stuff plus an actual strategy guide that I think will help us navigate through main and side quests. I'm looking into getting a Pokémon game that is similar to Let's Go Pikachu but with more Pokémon. 

Oh! Something great has happened since last time. Eric got his new t:slim x2 insulin pump with Control IQ! It uses his Dexcom readings and predicts lows and highs and automatically raises or lowers his basal rate. We still have to bolus for meals and when his sugars get really high. But it's so much easier to use than the 670g. The x2 is touchscreen and the 670g was push button. Now I can give him his insulin so much faster and it makes alarm noises if he's over 300 and below 80 so we know when to do something. We've been waiting for this pump a year after he started pumping with the Animas Ping and that was in 2017. 

That's all that's been going on around here. 

Hope everyone is well and has a happy spring. 


  1. Hi Sarah. I am so glad things are doing so good for you. you know I don't understand the games your talking about. Lol but I hope you enjoy them. I have never had a matching set either.


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